Went on a really nice dog walk this afternoon, just before sunset.
I enjoy taking the dog at this time – I get some really awesome colours on pictures of the sunset. The header picture on this website at the time of writing is a crop from one of my pictures. Taken with an iPhone 4S, there has been no processing, that’s the raw colours.
Today, the sunlight was at such an angle that the whole of the field seemed to be glowing. On closer inspection, it was spider threads, criss-crossing the grass, and reflecting the sunlight back at me. Unfortunately, the camera on my phone is not as good as the naked eye, but when at full size, you can see some of the threads, and get an impression of what it must have been like.
I’ve attached a few pictures from my walk, including a couple of panorama shots (I like taking those). It was cold, but clear, with some really nice light!
Maybe next time, I’ll get some better shots of Coco the dog!