To begin, spend at least a week creating documentation for a procedure to install a complex messaging solution based on Microsoft Exchange 2010. Don’t bother saving it to a server or somewhere that’s backed up – it’s still just a work in progress. Save it to a nice folder on your computer desktop instead.
After waiting for a couple of weeks to be able to continue the documentation of the installation, install a different kind of system that also needs documenting. To make sure you meet corporate guidelines, copy a previous document to use as a template with the company logos, legal statements, fonts etc, and save your new documentation in that.
After saving, realise you didn’t actually copy the previous document, you instead just opened your document that took over a week to get to its current position, using procedures that are not easily repeatable, and it was saved somewhere that wasn’t backed up.
I’m sad now. I followed the instructions above to the letter.
Who says documentation is fun to write? Now where’s my time machine?