Bestfire Manicure Set Review

Manicure Set
Manicure Set

This review appears in its original form here, and is for this product listing.

Five Stars

Quality little set, contains everything you might need!

This item arrived inside a nicely printed retail style glossy cardboard box, in a resealable plastic packet (clear on the front, white on the back). Inside the box was a very high quality looking solid case, with the nice smell of leather.

Pushing the nice silver button on the edge of the box allowed it to pop open and reveal (nicely protected from scratches by a thin fabric sheet) a multitude of nail tools, some of which I’d never come across, but I’m certain manicurists will have!

There are a bunch of really well made and solid tools all held securely inside the case. This is not your usual monkey metal kit, these are all stainless steel and solid.

I like the cut out smily face on the three sets of clippers, it just adds a nice little touch that lets you know this is not your basic, run of the mill, cheap nail clipper set.

I really liked this set, it’s a solid and attractive case, holding some solid and attractive tools – highly recommended.

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Thanks to Best-Fire for providing this item at a discount for review.


The Zoo Keeper

By TheZooKeeper

An Azure Cloud Architect with a background in messaging and infrastructure (Wintel). Bearded dog parent who likes chocolate, doughnuts and Frank's RedHot sauce, but has not yet attempted to try all three in combination!

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