Good Boy Rawhide Chomp Stix Review

Coco licking her chops

This review appears in its original form here, and is for this product listing. The perfect, healthy treat! Owning a chocolate labrador like Coco means treats are a requirement. Everywhere. If we go out, Coco gets one of these sticks. 100 sticks lasts a good while – maybe not quite three months, but well, she’s… Continue reading Good Boy Rawhide Chomp Stix Review

RDP to Windows Server 2012 from Windows XP

I came across an annoying little issue today.  Whether it be down to the default settings of Windows Server 2012, or one of the hardening settings of our corporate build, I don’t know, but it’s annoying either way. My corporate provided laptop operating system is mandated at Windows XP.  I regularly (90+% of every day)… Continue reading RDP to Windows Server 2012 from Windows XP