I’ve been libelled by Amazon… :(

Sad Amazon

So, I’ve been a loyal customer of Amazon for at least 11 years (the earliest email I can find is from 2004, and that was for a return), and I’ve been writing numerous and regular reviews for products sold on amazon.co.uk over the past six months or so, as you may have seen on this… Continue reading I’ve been libelled by Amazon… 🙁



A couple of months ago, Mrs Zoo Keeper suggested I attempt to grow a beard.  I’m 42 years old at the time of writing, and have never managed much beyond a straggly goatee.  I’ve always experienced patchiness and itchiness, to such a point where the razor has had to come back out.  This time, we… Continue reading Beards

Sheffield Wednesday 1896 picture – help request!

Sheffield Wednesday 1896 English Cup Winners - Team picture

Mrs Zoo Keeper was working through some old family photographs last night, and came across what seems to be a very old one, backed on what appears to be hardboard. There are actually two pictures mounted on the board, on one side a seated lady with a stood gentleman, on the other a team picture… Continue reading Sheffield Wednesday 1896 picture – help request!

RDP to Windows Server 2012 from Windows XP

I came across an annoying little issue today.  Whether it be down to the default settings of Windows Server 2012, or one of the hardening settings of our corporate build, I don’t know, but it’s annoying either way. My corporate provided laptop operating system is mandated at Windows XP.  I regularly (90+% of every day)… Continue reading RDP to Windows Server 2012 from Windows XP

How to make yourself sad…

To begin, spend at least a week creating documentation for a procedure to install a complex messaging solution based on Microsoft Exchange 2010.  Don’t bother saving it to a server or somewhere that’s backed up – it’s still just a work in progress.  Save it to a nice folder on your computer desktop instead.


Are you sitting comfortably? Then let us begin. First of all, I’d like to welcome you on t’internet, and say thank you for coming to the site.  If you’re reading this post, you’re likely an early visitor, someone who knows me (including but not restricted to a spouse), or you’ve clicked on a really old… Continue reading Introduction